perm filename SYS2[NUM,DBL] blob sn#147283 filedate 1975-02-25 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00005 00002	.DEVICE XGP
C00008 00004	2CONTENTS*
C00009 00005	2↓_SUMMARY_↓*
C00013 00006	21. INTERNAL ACTIVITY*
C00027 00007	22. INITIAL KNOWLEDGE*
C00031 00008	5Level 1*
C00036 00009	5Level 2*
C00037 00010	Specific Knowledge
C00042 00011	Strategies
C00047 00012	Meta-strategies
C00049 00013	5Level 2B: example starting domains*
C00055 00014	5Level 2C: Tentative organization*
C00067 00015	5Level 3*
C00068 00016	Specific Knowledge
C00069 00017	   Set Theory
C00083 00018	   Deduction  -- much of this goes under problems-to-prove strategies
C00092 00019	   Induction  -- much is also relevant to prob-to-prove and prob-to-find strategies
C00099 00020	   Operation
C00110 00021	   Structure
C00113 00022	   Conservation
C00115 00023	   Control
C00116 00024	   Handles (how it can be accessed)
C00117 00025	Strategies 6(for each, supply hints as to how to pick likely candidates, in case no other good reason is known)*
C00118 00026	   General
C00124 00027	   When examining any new entity (operator, object, construct, concept)
C00128 00028	   When examining a new operation "f"
C00132 00029	   When examining a non-procedural object (set, class, concept)
C00133 00030	   When examining a semi-procedural problem to prove (theorem, conjecture)
C00136 00031	    When examining a semi-procedural problem to find
C00138 00032	Meta-strategies
C00142 00033	Meta-meta-strategies
C00144 00034	Meta-meta-meta-strategies
C00145 00035	Meta-meta-meta-meta-strategies
C00146 00036	23. REPRESENTATION*
C00147 00037	5Level 2*
C00153 00038	24. COMMUNICATION*
C00158 00039	25.EXAMPLES*
C00159 00040	5Example 1: Contemplation forming links, intuitive conjectures*
C00167 00041	5Example 2: Discovering and developing a family of analogies*
C00172 00042	5Example 3: Formally Investigating an intuitively believed conjecture*
C00176 ENDMK

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.FONT 8 "GRFX35"
.TURN ON "↑↓_π{"
.TURN ON "⊗" FOR "%"
.EVERY FOOTING(,⊗7Last edited 1/20/75⊗*,)

⊗6Some Initial Thoughts on⊗*





⊗4Not for distribution⊗*


0. Summary
1. Internal Structure and Activity
2. Initial Knowledge in the system
3. Representation of this knowledge
4. Communication with the user
5. A few examples
.EVERY HEADING(⊗3MATH THEORY FORMATION⊗*,,⊗4Doug Lenat and Avra Cohn⊗*)
.EVERY FOOTING(⊗71/20/75,,page   SYS2 . {PAGE})


	The methods of mathematical creativity are being studied.  More than
merely a taxonomy of theory formation, this project is the foundation for a
system which will learn -- and do -- mathematics.  Initially, this system will
possess some general strategies and some powerful but opaque "intuitive" ability
(e.g., the ability to simulate physical experiments and perceive the results). 

A ⊗4contemplative⊗* period will allow the system to develop concrete facts about its
world and specific techniques (by combining general strategies with observations).
The system would also combine its intuitions to form plausible "theorems"; when
definitions are later provided formally, these will be proposed, and the intuitive
justification will already be present.
The activities in this period are 
expected to be universal, not limited to any single
domain of mathematics.  

After a while, the system will request  inputs from
a human user, in what is to be an ⊗4assimilative⊗* phase. 
These teachings should be the
core definitions of a specific field, and of course should be based on what is 
already mastered. The first experiences could be in set theory, Boolean algebra,
abstract algebra, logic, or

Finally, the ⊗4investigative⊗* mode would prevail. In conjunction with a
human adviser, the system would propose and explore interesting new relationships,
decide which creations to name, explore the intuitive meanings of statements, etc.

The driving and pruning forces in all phases are aesthetics and utility. 
The central mechanisms are 
families of BEINGs which live and work in a powerful control environment.


BEINGs are uniformly structured knowledge modules. (see Green et al.,
⊗4Progress Report on Program-Understanding Systems⊗*, Memo AIM-240,
CS Report STAN-CS-74-444, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Stanford
University, August, 1974; or see Lenat, D., ⊗4BEINGS: Knowledge as
Interacting Experts⊗*, forthcoming.)

They are similar to ACTORs, except that BEINGs have structure. Each BEING
in a family has the same set of parts; all parts with the same name have the same
structure (format). This preserves some advantages of both uniformity 
and structure.

This quite tentative description is meant to get things off the ground.
As more demands are imposed, it may well crumble, hopefully to reveal a better
internal organization.

There are seven types of BEINGs:
	Object type of Specific Knowledge
	Operator type of Specific Knowledge
	Conjecture type of Specific Knowledge

Each type has its own set of parts (although there will be many parts present in
many types, e.g. NAME). For each type t there will be an archtypical BEING
B↓t. Under each part of B↓t will be a partially ordered set of strategies
for dealing with that part of that type of BEING (how to fill it out, how to
extend it, what its structure is). Notice we are saying that all the parts with
the same name, of BEINGs of the same type, will all have the same structure.
This is one additional level of structure from the BEINGs proposed in PUP6.

The strategies are all organized under specific parts of archtypical BEINGs.
That is, a strategy is pointed to by what part of what BEING type it is related
to filling out. The strategies are (partially) ordered in each such clump. When
a meta-strategy decides that part p of BEING B is to be filled out, the type of
B is looked up. Say it is t. Then the sequence of strategies listed under part p
of B↓t is executed. This set is pointed to by part p of B. 

When part p of BEING B is filled out, at some point in the sequence S of strategies
listed under part p of the archtypical BEING with same type as B, some new 
information may be discovered. If S cannot handle this knowledge, then  it will
simply return with the message "I am not through, but here is some fact(s) which
may mean that filling out p is no longer the best activity".
The meta-stragegies are organized in groups or clumps. When such an interruption
is reported, the clump of MS (meta-straegies) which receives it first decides
whether or not it is still the best clump to be in control. If not, it relinquishes
control to the clump of MMS which called it, etc. If it is stillthe relevant
clump, the MS again evaluate themselves to see what part of what BEING should
be filled in now. It may turn out to be p again, or it may change due to the new
info which p supplied. (To make this choice faster, each MS recalls the args and
the final computed value the last time it was called on; if nothing has
changed for it, then it need not recompute its value.)  When p returned its
interruption message, it replaced its pointer (formerly to the first
strategy on B↓t, part p) by a pointer to the strategy where it left off work.
Whenever part p of BEING B gets chosen again (which is often immediately), it
will resume just where it stopped work earlier. 
The flavor of the return should thus be one of: Not Done because x is
possibly more interesting; Not Done because x is a prerequisite to doing me;
Done because I succeeded; Done because I failed utterly.

In addition to the seven types of BEINGs, the control structure of the system
will embody knowledge of communication (both internally and with the user),
meta↑4stratgies or higher level concerns, global level strategies (choice),
and the basic control algorithm of the system.

The lower-level BEINGs will provide fast access to well-organized information.
The meta-strategy BEINGs will have few parts, hence be sufficently
fast. Higher level-BEINGs will be so rarely called upon that their slowness
is immaterial, thus the intelligent-but-slow character of highly structured
BEINGs is acceptable.

Notice once more the structure: seven types of BEINGs; each type breaks into
several clumps. Each BEING of each type has the same set of parts. Each clump
of BEINGs has members for determining if that clump is still the relevant one.
Each part of a given type of BEING has a distinctive structure, shared by all
parts with the same name, in all BEINGs of the same type. Each type of BEING
has an archtypical representative; the values of its parts specify the structure
formats mentioned in the previous sentence. All archtypical BEINGs' parts have
a single universal format for specifying this information.

The control is thus very traditional: at each instant, one strategy of each
level will be activated; when it returns to a higher level, ⊗4that⊗* level's
strategies must decide whether their little clump is still relevant. THe
relevant clump at that level then chooses a new one at a lower level.
The role of strategies of level x is thus seen to be one of choosing not
the strategy of level x-1 to employ, but rather which clump of meta↑x↑-↑1
strategies are relevant.
Each clump is (at least partially) ordered, hence can be executed sequentailly.
The result may be to choose a lower-level clump, and/or modify some strategies
at some level (some part of some BEING), and/or create new strategies at some
level (perhaps even to create a new BEING).

The next step is to list the parts of each of the seven types of BEINGs, 
followed by filling these in with general strategies for how to fill in such
parts of such BEINGs. Next, all the specific knowledge must be rephrased in
terms of specific knowledge BEINGs. All the hig level meta-strategies must
be similarly phrased. In doing all this, representation decisions must be
made (e.g., when talking specificly about the INTUITION part, one must know
what formats to expect there). The clumpings at each level (esp. MS) must be
made, and special knowledge added to decide when the current clump is no longer
the one which should be in control.
At this stage, the system will be ready for hand simulation and then coding.

Extra internal ideas which were rejected from the third sketch of the system:

To each part corresponds an archetypical BEING, 
giving information about any part having
that name (how to fill it in, when to extend it, etc.) One part of each 
archetypical BEING is called Representation, and describes the format in which each
BEING must keep info. stored inside that part.

The typical flow of control would follow these patterns:


	A. Choose relevant family of BEINGs
	B. Choose relevant subfamily of BEINGs
	C. Choose relevant group of parts
	D. Choose specific relevant BEING
	E. Choose specific relevant part
	F. Work on that part of that BEING
	   If its REPR. is that of several alternative BEINGs, then recurse to step D

	A will generally precede all others
	B will generally precede D
	C will generally precede E
	F will generally succeed all others

The environment selects a group of BEINGs, who then fight among themselves
(their RECOG group of parts) to determine exactly who the winner is. If the
winner is himself a node representing a group of BEINGs, that group must also
compete among itself for control, etc. Similarly for deciding which part of the
BEING is relevant. If the rele. part of the rele. BEING is itself a pointer to
a group of BEINGs, then the process recurs (except that the same part of the
new winner is probably wanted). The environment does not make the decisions; it
⊗4does⊗* do two things related to this, though: it decides which of A,B,C,D,E,F
is to be settled next, and then it chooses the entity who
will get to make that selection. The first job is simplified since there are
only six legal orders:
An exception would be when a specific BEING is known to be wanted; then
A, B, and D are made simultaneously.

One difference from PUP6 is that here the BEINGs are grouped into families.
Each type has its own set of parts (although there will be many parts present in
many types, e.g. NAME). For each type t there will be an archetypical BEING
B↓t. Under each part of B↓t will be a partially ordered set of strategies
for dealing with that part of that type of BEING (how to fill it out, how to
extend it, what its structure is). Notice we are saying that all the parts with
the same name, of BEINGs of the same type, will all have the same structure.
This is one additional level of structure from the BEINGs proposed in PUP6.

The strategies are all organized under specific parts of archetypical BEINGs.
That is, a strategy is pointed to by what part of what BEING type it is related
to filling out. The strategies are (partially) ordered in each such clump. When
the relevant object is part p of BEING B, the type (family name) of
B, say it is t, knows what parts B has. 
Then the sequence of strategies listed under part p
of B↓t is executed. This set is pointed to by part p of B. 


This section proposes a corpus of information, some of  which will be carefully
constructed, and all of which should
be present in the system before the user approaches it.
This presentation will be repeated at several levels of detail, so that
the reader will obtain a global view before going into detail.
The deeper the level, the more definite  the assumptions which are needed in
order to fill out the knowledge. Even at the descriptive level in this
document, some representation decisions had to be tentatively assumed.
	There are two distinct hierarchies or levels of knowledge. The one
which dominates this organization is meta↑*strategies, where meta↑-↑1strategies
are just specific facts, meta↑0strategies are strategies, etc. Each level
contains rules and hints for handling the entities one level lower.  The
second kind of hierarchy exists at one level, dealing with objects of more
and more generality. For example, "tie new concept in to existing ones" is
at the same level yet subsumes "consider composition of f and existing fns."
Thus there is some grammar, some generation scheme,
whereby general strategies (at a given level) combine with specific facts
or with other strategies (at any level) to produce tailored, specialized
strategies at that level (more concrete but less generally applicable).
Perhaps thee should be four  distinct stages of operation of the system.
First comes a strategy-development phase, where all these special strategies
are grown. 
Next comes a trial exploration phase, where interrelationships
and facts ⊗4independent of any particular mathematical domain⊗*, 
or intuitive
relations which may be domain-specific, are developed.   The system
will finally be ready to confront the user, who feeds in specific facts,
definitions, conventions, and suggestions about a particular domain.
The fourth stage then begins, with the actual user-system dialogue on a
particular branch of mathematics.

⊗5Level 1⊗*


Specific Information: Facts, Objects, Operations, spanning several domains.
Strategies for effective use of this information, of knowledge in general.
Meta-strategies, which help in the selection of efficacious strategies.
Meta-meta-strategies, which help select relevant meta-strategies.
Meta-meta-meta-strategies, which help define the system's values.
Meta-meta-meta-meta strategy: maximize net worth of behaviors

⊗5BEINGs present initially⊗*

The following is a sketch of how the top few levels of knowledge in the system
are organized. Each node in the right lower section is both a BEING and the  
archetyical representative of a group of BEINGs. The parts of the BEINGs are also
each represented by BEINGs in the system, though not in the picture below.


           ↓                            ↓                               ↓
      Environment                      Meta                         Specific
           ~                            ~                               ~
           ~           	          ⊂ααααα∀ααααα⊃         ⊂αααααααα παααααα∀ααααααα⊃
           ↓                      ↓	      ↓		↓        ↓	        ↓
        Control                Active      Static     Parts   Relation        Object
    			          ~           ~         ~        ~              ~
     ⊂ααααααααπααααααααααπααααααααλ           ~    	↓        ↓              ↓
     ↓        ↓          ↓        ↓           ~       Recog    Order          (Tree)
   Assume   Guess      Test   Communicate     ~       Alter      =             Set
     ⊂ααααααπααααααααπααααααααπααααπααααααααααλ	       Act       ⊗6ε⊗*             Bag
     ↓      ↓        ↓        ↓    ↓          ↓	      Info       ⊗1⊂⊗*             List
Counterex. Msg. Assumption   Pf.  Thm.  Conjecture               ∨,∧           Axioms
	                                                        @,⊗6↔⊗*           (a,b)
							         ⊗6¬⊗*             Hist
							        ⊗1∪,∩⊗*		   Oset

⊗1This could be carried on further beneath each node. For example, under "proof":⊗*

		     ↓                                   ↓
		Universal			      Existential
	     	     ~					 ~
		⊂αααα∀αααα⊃		⊂αααααααααααααααα∀ααααααααα⊃
		↓         ↓		↓			   ↓
	    Direct   Indirect	     Direct		       Indirect
					~			   ~
			   ⊂αααααααααααα∀ααααααα⊃	⊂αααααααααα∀αααααααααα⊃
			   ↓			↓	↓		      ↓
			Constructive     Deductive    Constructive     Deductive


In most cases, however, the subsidiary information should be simple BEING parts, not
new BEINGs. For this reason we terminate our graph at this level.

⊗5Level 2⊗*
.TURN OFF "{}"

Specific Knowledge
   Set Theory
      membership, ⊗6ε⊗*, non-membership
      containment, ⊂, ⊃, subset, superset, incomparability
      equality, =, ≠, inequality
      intersection, ∩
      union, ∪
      complement, ', difference, -
      null set, NIL, ⊗4phi⊗*, {}, emptiness
      singleton set, {{}}, (NIL), non-emptiness
      doubleton, pair, non-identity of elements, ordered pair
      bigger-than-doubleton, more-than-two, several
      universal set, universe
      infinity, finite, ∞

      Truth, falsity, certainty
      Definition, axiom, theorem, lemma
      Proof, validity, unsatisfiability
      and, conjunction, ∧
      or, disjunction, ⊗6∨⊗*
      not, negation, ¬
      variable, constant
      substitution, replacement
      quantification, for all, ∀, existence, ∃, ¬∀, ¬∃
      implication, →, ¬→, equivalence, ↔, if, iff, only if
      scope, binding, free
      mathematical induction, recursion, well-ordering axiom
      rules of deductive inference, modus ponens and tollins
      contradiction, reductio ad absurdum

      plausibility, certainty, belief, betting, reliability
      conjecture, hypothesis, intuit, guess, assumption
            probability  routines for handling derived statements
      empiricism, experiment, random sampling, statistics
      what it means to be a generalization, a specialization
      what it means to be an analogy, a model
      domain, range, image
      inverse, preimage
      onto, surjection
      1-1, injection
      1-1 correspondence, bijection
      composition, associativity
      extension, restriction
      fixed point
      identity function
      repeated application of a function
      symmetry, reflexivity, transitiviy, equivalence, partition
      Procedure, sequence, seriation, program
      Parallel, simultaneous
      Ordering, partial and total, ≤, ≥, <, >, =, trichotomy

      tree, binary tree
      tuple (associativity of functions), list, vector
      bag (commutativity and associativity)
      set, class, collection
      trivial cases of each structure
      regularity, order, form, arrangement

      of inertia;  frame problem
      (in)elasticity, fluidity, rigidity, plasticity

      what a strategy means, what a meta*-strategy means
      choice, decision
      goal, object, end, purpose
      problem, solution, search, task

   Handles (how it can be accessed)
      existence can be proven
      constructive proof
      efficient algorithm for construction
      built into the language, pointer

      Analogy: find regularity among concepts
      Find regularity within this concept itself (recurrence, pattern)
      Contradiction: what it means, how to resolve it
      Choice: algorithms, hints for selection, decision-making
      Assimilation: identify, tie-in, grasp intuitively
      Find the worth (promise) of this concept, of some special parts   
   When examining any new entity (operator, object, construct, concept)
      Identify: get names
      Boundary: get limits of this concept/definition
      Extension/restriction: how can this boundary be changed (incr. interest)
      Handle: get the most concrete, efficient handle possible on this
      Character: what class does this entity fall into?
      Combination: how can this be combined with similar entities
      Tie-in: relationship to similar entities which exist already
      Examples: simple, sophistocated, boundary, typical, near miss
   When examining a new operation "f"
      Definite: get names for function, its domain and range
      Calculation: get algorithm for computing f
      Character: see if it is a function or only a relation
      Image: what subset of range R does the domain D map onto
      Extension: can D be extended so f is ONTO R, or onto Q⊃R
      Restriction: can R be restricted so f is ONTO R
              can D be restricted so f is 1-1 into R
      Closure: can D be made to contain R or R↑2 or R↑3 or...
      What to do if closure holds
      Composition with existing functions and relations
      Similarity: how to find it, what to do once it's found
      Examples: Find some examples of this operation
      Intuit: Try to construct an intuitive representation for f.
      Identify: Initialize a list of ways that f might be referred to
   When examining a non-procedural object (set, class, concept)
      Containment: intersting subsets and supersets
      Identity: name, interesting properties, distinguishing features
      Operations: what can/can't be done to it, why, how to alter this
      Is this the natural dom/range for any operators?
   When examining a semi-procedural problem to prove (theorem, conjecture)
      Intuitive: justification as well as assimilation
      Tie-in: any entailment, causality, equivalent restatements
         any with the same subject matter (or v. similar)
      Boundary: what are the most likely counter-examples (and patches)
   When examining a semi-procedural problem to find
      Identify the parts: given (fixed, known) and unknown (goal)
      Evalutate why this is interesting, difficult yet doable, usable later
      Pull out the relevant facts
      Analogy: can use results and/or methods from sim. tasks
      Unify the intuitive and formal reprs. contributions
         What is the idea/form of the soln? 

   General rules relating the following to each other:
      completness of analogy, 
      using ana. for prediction,
      interest in a B.,(⊗4B.⊗* stands for a concept, a unit of knowledge)
      intutive nature of B.,
      certainty, safety of a B.,
      similar qualities of ⊗4parts⊗* of a B.

   Also included here should be algorithms for applying these rules
   to choosing the best strategies, as a function of the situation.

   Competing goals: maximize certainty, maximize interest
   Heavily used → make efficient; already effic. → prefer to use this B.
   Purely formal belief is dangerous but often leads to interesting results
   Resolve choices in favor of aesthetic superiority

   Also included here should be specific algorithms for applying these
      rules to choosing the relevant meta-strategies.

   Maximize desired effects
   Minimize costs, conserve resources

   Eternal and implicit: maximize net behavior

⊗5Level 2B: example starting domains⊗*

Let us digress slightly, to show (at this level of detail) what the user
would have to input initially, to get started.
The first three examples below
are some of the places that seem most plausible to begin at; they are not
exhaustive, however.
The fourth example shows how the same system might be applicable, with no
change whatsoever, to handling theory formation in a domain which is not
generally thought of as part of mathematics: games of strategy.
In each case, the user must provide a definite form (e.g., definition),
an intuitive form (e.g., an archtypical diagram), and examples of each
object and each operator that is to be considered primitive in that


Example 1: Theorem-Proving
   Objects: axioms, parts of proofs
   Operators: rules of inference
   Miscellaneous: Hints about tying these in to pre-existing concepts.
        Families of related proofs.

  Once the system is "primed," the human repeatedly injects a  proposed
  theorem  (or  the  system proposes one), and then the system tries to
  intuitively  understand  (pictorially  assimilate)  and  to  formally
  establish the theorem, or to find a counterexample. Notice that  this
  activity  is  not  widely  accepted  as  part  of mathematics. If the
  language is propositional calculus, then the system should indeed  be
  able to begin at this point.  If the domain is predicate calculus, it
  should be able to progress quickly to working  on  proofs,  but  this
  would be "off the main track" of mathematics.

Example 2: Set Theory
   Objects: sets and their elements. 
   Distinguished: the empty set; singletons.   
   Operators: defining property of a set
         how to construct new sets from old ones (∪,∩,',-,x)
         membership, inclusion, incomparability, set equality
         numerosity (compare two sets, see if ≤ or ≥)
   Miscellaneous: View a relation as a subset of the cross-product of sets.
        Restrict a relation to yield a function.
        Restrict a function to yield a nicer function.

  Once primed in this way, the user and/or system will propose new theorems,
  definitions of new objects and operators, and so on.

Example 3: Arithmetic
   Objects: trees and their elements; special subclasses of tuples, bags, sets.
   Operators: conversion of any tree/tuple/bag/set to canonical form which
         preserves numerosity; successor; perhaps plus and/or times...
   Miscellaneous: specific facts of set theory and logic, the relationship
      (or a hint of it) between these theories and any arithmetic
      operations which have been provided.

  The user and system will propose new functions, and new theorems relating
  them. To allow for their extension, new objects will be postulated.

Example 4: Chess 
   Objects: pieces, spatial configurations of common combinations
   Operators: moves, chunks of moves, rules of the game
   Miscellaneous: openings; intuition about strategy and tactics.

  Here the system would have no right to propose new objects or  rules,
  but  it  could  (and  should)  propose treating an entire sequence of
  moves as one new operator, devise overall  strategy  operators,  etc.
  The  machine's game should improve with the play of several games, as
  it develops the theory of chess.
⊗5Level 2C: Tentative organization⊗*

Global concepts: these have analogues at every level of meta↑*strategy:
   Rank all options, using current situation to determine priority weights
   There should be a control character which is monitored as "user-interrupt"
   Pick a meta↑4-strategy, use it to pick a meta↑3strategy, use them to pick
      a meta↑2stragegy, use to pick meta-stragegy, use to pick strategies
   A central theme is to achieve regularity via completion of the most interesting BEINGs
   If you encounter x, or harder-than-x, when x is a current activity, bad news!

Information useful in filling out specific parts of BEINGs: these are really strategies
⊗7For a description of these parts, see Section 4: Representation. For a description of BEINGs, see paper by Green or by Lenat.⊗*
      Get the initial one from its genesis
      Examine similar objects (esp. sim. defn), set up ana., see their alternate defns.
      Often, define as similar object + some extra restriction/relaxation
      Using intu., develop algorithm to find characteristic fn. for this B.
         Get alg. for enumerating ⊗4all⊗*, then test with "⊗6ε⊗*" operator
      Find BEING generated analogously, find analogue of its chosen name
      Ask the user, especially for variations, especially if user helped create it
         If the name is explicitly mentioned
         If the definition is matched perfectly
         If description of when created, how, why, etc. match close enough
         If it can do essentially what is wanted (better than all others)
         If some crucial "difference" is known to exist between this and similar BEINGS,
         Then always check that this distinguishing feature is present first
         Examine similar BEINGs to ensure that this really is the closest one
      Any kind
         Quickest: specific specializations, exs. of genl. specializations
         Consider ana. BEINGs' examples; examine their analogues
         Consider intuitive grasp; convert directly to a few examples
            Instantiate intuition with specific B.'s
         Consider likely entities and test them to see if they qualify
         Plug simple, distinguished concepts into the defin. or intuition
         Consider the trivial case, base step, of recursive defn.
         Plug sophistocated concepts into the definition
         If recursive, try to invert it for computational purposes
         Find a family of simpler and simpler examples, then extrapolate
         Rapidly scan entities until an unlikely example is found, then analyze it
         A boundar example is one which has some neighbors in, some not in, this concept
         If two sim. entities are found, one in, other out, ∃ bdy. between them
         Examine boundary very carefully to see exactly what causes it to be in/out
      Typical (hard to characterize)
         Not one of the other kinds
         Plug in typical random values to defn.
         Set up ana, map intutive image across
         Consider building up from intu. images of defn. objects and operators
         More specific, computational, detailed; more costly to run, though
         Ties to other  BEINGs should be represented abstractly here
      Internal representation:  How exactly should this be stored
         Ana.: similar as poss. yet efficacious representation part
         Compatibility with reprs. this must interact with
         Use some property of this concept to shortcut computation
         Use some don't-care aspect: fix it so it adds to economy
      Point to difference w. other BEING if diff. is interesting
      Point to what it can do (done to it) if that is interesting
      Augment these with most of the WHY parts of sim. BEINGs
      Use ana. BEINGs' USE part, actual records of their usage
      What features of the diff. from sim B. makes this more(less) useful
      When this is actually used, summarize its benefits here
   Similar BEINGs
      For each, find the difference description D.
      To locate them, use intution, analogy, find one and use ⊗4its⊗* Similar part
      Identify whether related by inclusion or not
   Passive transformations
      Find those operations which are applicable here; get general idea of this set
      If only a few, see which are interesting by individual examination
      If huge, try to restrict this class to known interesting ones
      If huge, consider in reverse: what would be interesting result, then find ops.
      What can almost (not quite be done)? If would be interesting, see why it fails.
      Try to modify either this concept or interesting op. so it can be applied
      Examine boundary examples, see if some operation can be used to push across bdy.
   Active transformations
      If this B. can DO something, what does it operate on (generalize from examples)
      If it can't work on something, is this permanent or temporary? 
      Can it be altered slightly so as to be applicable to int. object
      What are the results of this operation, the range, the values returned
      Get these from gneralizing from examples
      Similarly, what won't be returned, why not, how could this be changed to return it.
   Evaluation vector
      Aesthetic worth
         Bonus if some awkward B.s can now be simply expressed using this B.
      Efficiency of handles
         Global description of handle into 4 categories has biggest effect here
         Run several trials and rate the results, to get finer values
         Roughly same as similar B.'s; use estimate of diff. as correction term
         Average these estimates over several varied sim. Beings
      Analogic utility
         How detailed is the intutive image? the semi-concrete image?
         Sum of interests of ana. applic. ops., / sim of actually appic. ops.
      Definite utility
         Overall value of the uses described in the USEFUL part
         Update later as this BEING is used (or not used) not as expected
         Number and variety of aux/subsidiary B.'s

⊗5Notes made on drafts of this sketch:⊗*


Most mentioned metametastrategies are global and should be incorporated into the
interest-ascertaining algorithm. Abbreviations include β for BEING, π for part,
M for meta, S for strategy, sp. for specific, ob. object, op. operator, etc.
Those strategies which do not corr. to a βπ are typically control advisors, and
perhaps can be incorporated into the control structure opaque to the system.
For example: Contradiction is part of the belief mecahnaism, Choice is global
(perhaps made into a β), Assimilation is related to TIEIN π, Eval is related to
the VALUE parts and also the global evaluation mechanism.

⊗5Level 3⊗*

Originally, we felt that this level would bare the actual corpus of information
available to the system.  It seems there must be yet another layer!

Specific Knowledge
   Set Theory
         intuitive representation as pointer structure
         intuitive representation as rectangle in ⊗4Z⊗*↑2
         intuitive representation of a set as a predicate
         intuitive representation as analytic geom. equations
         a set is completely determined by its members
         operator: can take any elements and make them a set
         operator: can add any elements to a set
      membership, ⊗6ε⊗*, non-membership
         how ⊗6ε⊗* is found using each representation of a set
         how to make any object an element of a given set
         how to make any object ¬⊗6ε⊗* of a given set
         a set is interesting if its elements are related besides <sibling>
         if two sets are different, then some member is only in one
         if two sets are the same, then each member is in both
      containment, ⊂, ⊃, subset, superset, incomparability
         a set is determined by its subsets
         a set is equal to its largest subset
         the number of subsets of a set is much bigger than the set
         the empty set is a subset of any set
         each element of a set corresponds to the singleton subset containing it
         if one set is a subset of another, it is smaller
         if one is subset of other, all its elements are in the other
         if all the elements of one are in the other, it is subset
         to make a set a subset, all its elements must be added in
         to make a set not a subset, only one element need be taken out
         subset and superset are converse relations
         examples of subsets, supersets, incomparable sets
      equality, =, ≠, inequality
         two sets are equal iff their elements coincide; i.e.,
         two sets are equal iff each element of one is an element of the other
         two sets are equal iff their subsets coincide; i.e.,
         two sets are equal iff each subset of one is a subset of the other
         two sets are equal iff each is a subset of the other
         equality is reflexive
         equality is symmetric
         equality is transitive
         inequality is the negation of equality, the complement
         inequality is irreflexive
         inequality is symmetric
         if two sets are equal, one can be substituted for the other anywhere
         there is a sentence which is false iff a set is replaced unequally
         two sets are equal or unequal
         an unequal subset is called a proper subset
         two sets are incomparable or equal or properly related
      intersection, ∩
         the intersection of two sets is no bigger than the smallest
         the ∩ of two sets equals one iff it is a subset of the other
         the ∩ contains precisely those elements in both
         the ∩ with an empty set is the empty set
         the ∩ with a superset is the set
         the ∩ with a subset is the subset
         the ∩ of incomparable sets is a proper subset of each
         if the ∩ is proper subset of each, they are incomparable
         if the ∩ is not proper ⊂ one, that is a subset of the other
         ∩ can be repeatedly applied
         ∩ is associative
         ∩ is commutative
         ∩ of two equal sets is that set
         ∩ can be viewed as operating on a set of sets
         compute: test each ele. of smaller set for ⊗6ε⊗* bigger set
      union, ∪
         ∪ is as big as each set
         ∪ equals one set iff it contains the other one
         ∪ contains each set
         ∪ with an empty set is that  set
         ∪ of incomparable sets properly contains each
         ∪ properly contain each means incomparable
         ∪ of two equal sets is that set
         ∪ is assoc.
         ∪ is commut.
         ∪ can work on a set of sets
         how ∪ works on each representation of sets
         ability to verify equality of specific combos. of ∪,∩
         ability to verify containment of combos. of ∪,∩
      complement, ', difference, -
         - of two sets is a subset of first
         - has no subsets in common with subsets of the second set
	 ' has no elements in common with elements of the second set
         ' has no subsets in common with subsets of the set
	 A pair of sets is equal iff their complements are
         ' is idempotent
         - is not assoc or commut
         ability to see specific identities and inequalities with -,',∪,∩
         the idea that ' presupposes a universal set
         ' is the same as that univ. set -
         two sets are disjoint when their ∩ is empty
         the - is disjoint from its second argument
         ' is disjoint from its argument
         two sets are disjoint iff all their subsets are disjoint
         a partition is a set of subsets of the set
         each element of the set is in one member of the partition
         each pair of members of the partition is disjoint
         the partition induces the relation "is in the same class as"
         this relation is an equivalence relation
         each equivalence relation r breaks up a set into subsets of ≡ members
         this division is a partition
         reln. r induces partition p iff p induces r
         a partition is interesting if its classes are
         a partition is interesting if its induced reln. is
      null set, NIL, ⊗4phi⊗*, {}, emptiness
         the null set exists
         the null set can be an element
         the null set is a subset of each set
	 There exist efficient ways to prove a set is null (contradiction)
         how to generate {} from each representation
      singleton set, {{}}, (NIL), non-emptiness
         how to generate a singleton in each repr.
         how to make any object a singleton set
         all the elements of a singleton are equal
         if all the eles. of a set are equal, it is singleton
         if one element is removed from it, is is empty
         the only partition is the set containing itself
         ∩ with singleton is usually empty
         ∪ with singleton is usually adding in one element
         - singleton usually removes that ele.
         singleton - . is usually empty
         the singleton is not the same as its element
      doubleton, pair, non-identity of elements, ordered pair
         how to generate in each set representation
         not all eles. of pair are equal
         only paritions are itself and as singletons
         how each repr. admits an ordered pair
         the relevance of ordered pair and commutativity
      bigger-than-doubleton, more-than-two, several
         call this idea big.
         a set is big iff it is not {}, single, doubleton
         a set is big iff the set of possible partitions is big
         the set of subsets of a singleton is a pair
         the set of subsets of a pair is big
         the set of subsets of a big set is big
         opaque way of enumerating subsets of a given set
         opaque way of cyling thru all pairs of subsets of a pair of given sets
         semi-opaque way of testing for 1-1 correspondence, bigger/smaller
         a big set - a pair is never empty
         a pair - a singleton is never big or empty
         a singleton - empty is that singleton
         the ∪ with big set is always big
         the ∩ with non-big is never big
      universal set, universe
         the idea of a univ. set in each repr.
         the reln. between univ., ', and -
         all sets are subsets of this set
         all eles. are eles. of this set
         ∪ is univ. if the sets are complementary
         ∪ is univ. iff one set contains the other's '
         ∩ is univ. iff one set is univ, other empty
         ' is univ. iff set is empty
         - is univ. iff first is univ., second empty
         univ. ∩ set is that set
         univ ∪ set is univ.
         univ - set is the complement of the set
         set - univ. is empty
         repeated unioning leads to univ.
         repeated ∩ leads to {} muc easier than ∪ leads to univ.
         do not operate with univ. sets as two args.
         there is only one univ. set
      infinity, finite, ∞
         the universal set is infinite, unless explicitly specified
         how to see that a set is infinite (in each repr.)
         how to see that a set is finite
         an infin. set - finite set is always infinite
         infin. ∪ fin. is always infin.
         infin ∩ fin is always finite
         fin - infin is always fin (subset of orig. fin. set)
         not all infin. sets are universal

   Deduction  -- much of this goes under problems-to-prove strategies
      Truth, falsity, certainty
         the logical universal set is a pair
         statements are partitioned into two classes
	 Statements may be vacuously true
         one type of problem is to determine the class of a prop.
         when the class is not known, the prop. is uncertain
      Definition, axiom, theorem, lemma
         a definition is a convention for substitution
         an entity should be defined if it is used often
         an entity should be defined iff it is interesting
         the truth of a definition is assumed true
         the truth of an axiom is assumed true
         an axiom is a relation between defined entitities
         a theorem is the true result of a proof
         a theorem is interesting if it is unexpected
         a theorem is interesting if it is hard to prove
         a theorem is the satisfaction of a top problem
         a lemma is the solution of a low-level problem goal
         a lemma is assumed true when proving a theorem, if it seems clear,
            and then proved separately later
      Proof, validity, unsatisfiability
         a rule of inference is an operation which preserves truth of true prop.
         an axiom is assumed to be "proved" (tho non-demonstratable formally)
            there should exist an intu. justif. for an axiom
         a rule of inference is assumed proved nondemonstrably
            there should be an intu. justif. grasp of each such rule of inference
         proven methods applied to proven state. yield proven statements
         if the method and arg. are almost certain, so is the conclusion
         proof by cases
	 reduce the pf. by replacing terms by their defns.
         proof by indirect argument and reduc. ad absurdum
         proof by deduction, directly
         prop. is satisfied by all eles. of a set
         if the satisfaction set is empty, the prop. is unsat.
         if the sat. set is non-empty, the prop. is satisfiable
         unsat. prop. is false
         false prop. is unsat.
         true prop. is satisfiable
         a prop. is valid iff it is true
         a prop. is valid iff all subsets of univ. set satisfy it
         keep all thms. around for a while; destroy old ones if not reused
         keep all pfs. around temporarily; destroy if not used as analogue
      and, conjunction, ∧
         min. truth value of tis args
      or, disjunction, ⊗6∨⊗*
         max. truth value of its args
         choice, decisiion, deferral, alternative
      not, negation, ¬
         truth table for and, or, not
         relation betw. and, or, not (specific cases only)
         analogy to set operations ∩, ∪, '
         complement truth value of its arguent
      variable, constant
         entity has name and value
         value may be modifiable if needed, with certain constraints
         variable can be assigned a value specifically
         unassigned var. can make a prop. repr. ∞ props.
      substitution, replacement
         textual operation of replaement if functionally equivalent
         instantiation of a variable to specialize a genearl prop
         the replacement should serve some prupose
      quantification, for all, ∀, existence, ∃, ¬∀, ¬∃
         each var. has a domain of poss. values
         thus one says for any <var> in <set>, <prop>
         sometimes, only the existence is known, not the name
         only the property of interst is known, not the name
         identities involving  ∀, ∃, ¬
      implication, →, ¬→, equivalence, ↔, if, iff, only if
         truth table interpr.
         causality, entailment, and purely logical implic.
         equiv. as double implication
	 intuition for →: set of states. satisfying left ⊂ those satis. right side
         double causation: positive reinforcement
         syntactic formats for expressing implication
         reducing to a simpler yet equivalent entity
         reduction by showing implication each way
         equivalence if a complete circle of implications
         expression in terms of ∧,⊗6∨⊗*,¬
      scope, binding, free
         how syn. one can specify what the domain of a var. is
         when this changes
         the dependence of ∃ var. on outer variables
         a var. has same value within a given binding
         subst. for var means replace all occurrences of it
         constants must be identified syntactically
      mathematical induction, recursion, well-ordering axiom
         the equiv. "ideas" here
         how one could actually go from induc. pf. to specific pf.
         when to recognize an induction
	 base step: relevance, how to form it, idea of vacuous truth
         how to form the hyp.
         when it is better to strengthen/weaken the hyp.
      rules of deductive inference, modus ponens and tollins
         concept of truth tables
         modus ponens, detachment, working forward
         modus tollins, indirect proof, working backward
         how to spot a relevant rule: pattern-matching
      contradiction, reductio ad absurdum
         logical justification for this unintuitive process
         idea of pigeonholes, cases; here you show where it isn't
         an entity exists in one and only one pigeonhole
         again, pigeonholes
         relate to partitioning a set
         if a statement is true about each class, it is valid
         the adantage: the pf. may vary with the bin

   Induction  -- much is also relevant to prob-to-prove and prob-to-find strategies
      plausibility, certainty, belief, betting, reliability
         each statement has a probability weight attached to it
         this number is a fn. of a list of justifications
         if there are several alternate justifs., it is more plausible
         if some consequences are verified, it is more plaus.
         if an analogous prop. is verified, it is more plaus.
         if the consequences of analogue are verif., it is slightly more plaus.
         the converses of the above also hold
         nothing is certain unless it has been (dis)proved
         believe in those things with high enough prob.
         this level should fluctuate, remaiing just high enough so that
            no contradictions are believed in
         the higher the prob., the higher the reliability
         the amt. one bets should be prop. to the reliability
         the interest increases as the odds do
      conjecture, hypothesis, intuit, guess, assumption
         push world, assert x, prove y, pop, assert x→y
         if x seems probable and interesting, then try to prove it
         the less sure x is, the less effort is spent on its ramifications
         if a hyp. turns out wrong, reexamine its justif. routines
         an assump. from the user need not be heavily justified
            probability  routines for handling derived statements
         should be datachable module
         Zadeh: p(∧) is min, p(⊗6∨⊗*) is max, p(¬) is 1-.
         Hintikka's formulae (λ, α)
         Carnap's formulas (λ)
         p=1 iff both the start and the methods are certain
         p=0 iff both start is false and method is false-preserving
         if ∃ several alternative plaus. justifs., p is higher
         don't update p value unless you have to
         update p values of contradictory props.
         update p values of new props
         maybe update p value if it is a reason for a new prop
      empiricism, experiment, random sampling, statistics
         true ideas can be verified in all experiments
         false ideas may only have a single exceptional case
         nature is fair, uniform, nice, regular
         more plaus. the more cases verified
         more plaus. the more diff. types of cases verified
         distinguished domain eles. are good cases to check
         random domain eles. are good to check
         large, hard, known-boundary cases are good type to check
         if a consequence is unintuitive, check it instead
         if it is intuitive, check it outside range of intuition
         central tendency (mean, mode, median)
         standard deviation, normal distribution
         other distributions (binomial, Poisson, flat, bimodal)
         statistical formulae for significance of hypothesis
      what it means to be a generalization, a specialization
         a gen. contains this concept
         one can gen. by removing some constraint
         one can generalize by replacing a constant by a variable
         if the gen. is more regular it might be easier to prove
      what it means to be an analogy, a model
         to spec., add some constraint
         if well-chosen, this constraint can make spec. easy to prove
         from the spec., one can then try to prove this concept
         to spec., replace var. by some special constant value
         a spec. is included in this concept, but not vice versa ususally
         analogy is a correspondnece betw. properties of 2 idas
         the corr. should be natural, reasonable, clear intuitively
         if the analogy is weak, examine the corr. and try to strenghten
         if ana. is partial, see if pairs of remaining features match
         if strong ana., usever obj. is best suited (2 aspects of 1 idea)

         view as  pair of intu. sets, with arrows from eles. in one to eles. of the other
            The reln. is that set of arrows
            Consider set of all poss. arrows; subsets of this are all the relns.
         view as a temporal procedure, activity
         view as a subset of ordered pairs
         view as a subset of cross-product of sets in general
         you can ⊗4carry out⊗* this thing
         to do this, some things must be made true beforehand
         some things will be true after; what are the effects?
         when do you want to do this?
         why do this? why not some sim. thing?
         what are some gen/spec?  
         how to specialize/generalize a relation
         uniqueness, singleton, single-valued
         all facts about relns(because they are more general)
      domain, range, image
         what can this operate on, what props. must be satisfied?
         what do yo know about the result, what props will it satisfy?
         each of these properties forms a set, called dom. and range
         the op. is said to be from dom. to range
         X{A↓i} view A↓j as rage, X of others as domain
      inverse, preimage
         think of reversng order in cross product
         think of reversing order of ordered pairs
         think of running time backward for temporal op.
         think of finding the value which maps into a given one
         think of undoing an activity, a process
         preimage of ele. is all eles. which map into it
         preimage of set is union of all ele.'s preimages
         preim. if set is all eles. which map into an ele. of set
         preim. of range should be entire domain
      onto, surjection
         image of set is all eles. it maps into
         onto means image of domain is entire range
         onto means ∀ range ele., ∃ preimage ele. in domain
         means that the inverse relation is defined on whole range
      1-1, injection
         if inverse (wherever it is defined) is a function
         no two eles. map into same unless ⊗4they⊗* are same
         on graph, no horiz. line intersects two pts. in reln.
      1-1 correspondence, bijection
         injec and surjec
         injec each way
         surjec each way
         match eles. one to one; e.g., remove one from each set
         inverse is also a bijec.
      composition, associativity
         if f1, f2 are relns, with domain of f2 a subset of f1 range
         apply f1, then apply f2 to result
         write F2(F1(x)), (F2 (F1 x)), (F2 F1 x), F2oF1 (x)
         assoc: For any relns, F1o(F2oF3) ≡ (F1oF2)oF3
         relns are equal when they are the same set of pairs
         a fn or obj is unique only  wrt conditions c
         if x,y both  satisfy c, then uniqueness means x=y
         once one is found, stop because there aren't any more
      extension, restriction
         if the dom. is a subset of a nice dom. D, try to apply to all D
         if the dom. contains D, see if new props. when only apply to D
         if range contains nice set R, see if nice if restricted to map to R
         if range is contained in R, OK to say that range is R already
         often the domain can be changed by changing the contraints
         the range will vary as the domain varies
         consider the inverse fn.
      fixed point
         if range intesects domain, possibility that x maps to itself
         if so, then x maps to itelf under all +-powers of fn.
      identity function
         one fn. is to map each ele. to itself
         here the domain and range are identical
         also ok if range contains the domain as a subset
         the inverse fn. is defined on the domain only, though
         in this case it, too, is the identity fn.
         all +-powers of fn are the identity
      repeated application of a function
         if dom. containsrange, one can keep reapplying fn.
         reapply means keep forming composition, higher powers
         if domain and range intersect, repeat until in difference
         often dom. will be power of range; this is interesting
         in that case, choose n eles. first time, n-1 from then on
         n that case, consider using disting. eles. later on
      symmetry, reflexivity, transitiviy, equivalence, partition
         binary fn. is one from SxS into S. call it f.
         f is symm. means that arg. is unordered pair
         f is symm. means that rotate graph 90↑o is invariant
         binary reln. is from S to S. call it g.
         g is symm. means g = g↑-↑1
         g is reflexive means it contains all pairs (x,x)
         g is reflex. means one place x can go is itself
         g is reflex. iff all +- powers of g are
         g is reflex. iff any +- power is
         g is transitive if <standard>
         g is tran. means that <picture composition of graphs>
         f is commut. iff it is symm.
         f is assoc. if it takes bag as arg
         f is assoc. iff it is the compos. of assoc. fns.
         an equiv. reln is reflex,trnasitive,syymmetirc
         such relns divide set into disjoint classes
         a fn is assoc with it s value, they are paired together
         this is one view of a fn, as a set of ordered pairs
         unordered pairs iff f equals its own inverse
         true for relns, not just fns, here
      Procedure, sequence, seriation, program
         temporal order, the flow of time, clock
         advancing variable of state
         causal arrow i often assoc. and disc. by time precedence
         often one activity must follow or precede another
         a seq. of steps is to be executed in order
         often the result of one step will be needed for the next
         if not, the ordering is only partial, only some < are needed
      Parallel, simultaneous
         if no < are needed, do in any order
         in none allowed, do a little of each in turn
         start and finish all about the same time as each other
      Ordering, partial and total, ≤, ≥, <, >, =, trichotomy
         if can be simult. or precede, write ≤
         ≤ is negation of sucession, >
         disting. between when one can pre-succ., and when it must do so.
         two events are simult or else one preceds the other

      tree, binary tree
         node, argument, element, primitive unit
         link, connection, ordering, relation, property
         traversal, pre-post-ordering, covering, search
      tuple (associativity of functions), list, vector
         if fn is assoc, SxS to S
         only the relative order of the arguments is relevant
         if f(a,f-vector), then cons(a, f-vector) (after f)
         if f(f-vector, a) then insert a at rear of f-vector
      bag (commutativity and associativity)
         if f: SxS→S is assoc and commut.
         the order of eles. in the tuple can be changed
         duplicate eles. cannot in general be removed, though
         use the order for some other reason (effic., e.g.)
      set, class, collection
         if f:SxS→S is assoc, commut, and f(x,f(x))=f(x)
         duplicate els. in the bag can be removed
         by ana: use the no. of occurrences for effic. considerations
      trivial cases of each structure
         singleton, doubleton, empty sets; big sets
         iden. fn., constant fn, step fn.
         set-theoretic fns. all take sets as eles.
         projection fns. require trees
         append of lists of x's takes bag of such lists
      regularity, order, form, arrangement
         economy of description means regularity exists
         aesthetic desc (ana. to known descs. elsewhere)
         each part of desc. is organized regularly
         the parts are related regularly

      of inertia;  frame problem
         if no explicit evidence, things continue once begun
         some activities require constant supportive (friction) action
         the truth of pros. obeys this inertia law as well (frame prob)
         a part of each BEING
         what can be done and have no effect on this one
         what does this have no effect on
         if shorter, store the negation of these
      (in)elasticity, fluidity, rigidity, plasticity
	 reaction to stress, force
         compressable or not
	 fluid or stiff
	 idea of maniipulable by a slow, continuous effort

      what a stragegy means, what a meta*-strategy means
      choice, decision
      goal, object, end, purpose
      problem, solution, search, task

   Handles (how it can be accessed)
      existence can be proven
      constructive proof
      efficient algorithm for construction
      built into the language, pointer

Strategies ⊗6(for each, supply hints as to how to pick likely candidates, in case no other good reason is known)⊗*
      Examine partial BEINGS; use part-specific info to aid in completing them
      Find analogies: find regularity among concepts
         Identify the parts of the object, and relns. involving it.
         Expend energy to fill in some addl. parts of chosen B.
         Try to determine which classes of things have similar kinds of parts/relns,
            If too huge, then this B. loses interest
         Search through them to find those whose parts' values are similar,
         If slightly int. one is found, try to fill out some of its parts
          If interesting, propose as a new analogy contruct (as a B.)
      How to select candidates for drawing ana. with:
         Lin. combo. of evaluation vector components (use, int, genl)
         Lin. combo of lengths of parts filled in already for B.
         Measure of how many parts, and varied, are filled in
         If unaccep., record why; if another is sim. rejected, they may be ana.
      Extend existing analogies
         Conjecture that each reln. involving one has an analogue with the other
         If parts/relns A,B are often connected, try to connect their values here
         Consider analogies between genral/specializations of each concept
      Refine existing analogies
         If all you know is that 2 Bs. are related somehow, this deserves refinement
         Find parts of one having no analogue in the other
         Find parts which are connected but whose values aren't
      Find regularity within this concept itself 
         Identify the parts/relns of this concept
         Some of ⊗4these⊗* may be related, similar
         Some pattern may recur throughout the values of the parts, types of relns
      Explore regularity within a concept
         Conjecture that relns involving one part hold analogously for the similar part
         Conjecture that relns. holding for sim. parts are themselves related
         Can some more efficient representation be found to avoid this duplication?
      Contradiction: what it means, how to resolve it
         ⊗6This is of course dependent upon the mechanism and representation for belief⊗*
         If the pair A,B of concepts lead to belief in a known false statement,
         then re-examine and revise the reasons for believing A and B.
      Choice: algorithms, hints for selection, decision-making
         Resources have limited throughput; goals must guide attention
         Thus choices must be made, based on the values of the researcher.
         Prefer the most interesting candidates (exponential curve)
         Prefer the safest candidates (peaked distribution)
         Recall analogous choices, the predominant factor, and evaluate the result
         Use this to in-/de-crement the importance of this factor in the choice algorithm
         A first pass alg. might be w↓1e↑I * w↓2sin(S), where
            "I" is the interest, "S" the normalized safety
         Do not simply maxi-minimize: bonus for several promising branches
      Better assimilate each concept
         Identify (from scratch, or improve the handle)
         Tie to other concepts (by deduction, analogy, guess, intuition)
         Improve intutive grasp of this concept.
         Concentrate on interesting concepts mainly
         Halt when interest level of results (averaged) falls too low
      Evaluate concepts
         How interesting
         How safe, sure, complete
         How valuable are its analogues
         Any valuable consequences/uses
         How intuitive
         How efficiently represented, what type of handle
         Evaluate its parts, combine results
         Make any part a new BEING if it is much more intersting than whole

   When examining any new entity (operator, object, construct, concept)
         Get a name for it, alternatives, how it might be later referenced
         Ensure that this is in fact new, not an old concept
         If a pair of new, specific, non-random entities are generated in a row,
            Then high interest in tieing them with known specific relations
         Try to grasp this intuitively
         Try to tie this in to other, existing concepts
         Use the partial results of each of these to aid in the other!
      Boundary: get limits of this concept/definition
         Empirically, what do the limits seem to be
         Intuitively, what do the limits seem to be
         Can any formal boundary be described
         Try to reconcile all these opinions of the boundary
         If all but one version is similar, try hard to bring the dissenter to agree
         Is the boundary close (⊂,⊃) to a much more interesting set?
         If so, can it be so restricted/extended?
         Does the concept become more interesting? Use the special props. of new boundary.
         If not, perhaps the original idea of the boundary was wrong; recheck.
         If so, should the original concept be kept around at all?
         Extension often requires weakening the concept, restriction strengthening
      Handle: get the most concrete, efficient handle possible on this
         If this belongs to a class with a known ≡ reln, see which ≡ class it falls into      
         What are the similar entities
         How can this be combined with similar entities
         What are the more general(spec) concepts, and how do they differ
         Is there a more economical repr., in terms of some close concept + a difference
         Does this contradict anything (hint: consider intuition first)
         simple, trivial, involving already-distinguished simple sub-parts
         sophistocated, sufficient for empirical verification of future conjecs.
         boundary, near miss; may be gotten only from a large random collec.
         typical, representative, suitable for intuitive prediction
   When examining a new operation "f"
      Definite: get names for function, its domain and range
      Calculation: get algorithm for computing f
      Character: see if it is a function or only a relation
      Image: what subset of range R does the domain D map onto
      Extension: can D be extended so f is ONTO R, or onto Q⊃R
      Restriction: can R be restricted so f is ONTO R
              can D be restricted so f is 1-1 into R
      Closure: can D be made to contain R or R↑2 or R↑3 or...
      If closure holds: what are the fixed points of f,
             consider powers of f, is there an identity
             (left, right, both), do special elements of
             D map into other special elements, do special
             subsets map into special subsets.
             Consider compositions of f with itself as a 
             tree; now what tree manipulations leave the
             value of the tree invariant.
      Composition: consider f*g, where g maps into a subset of D,
             and h*f, where h maps from a superset of R. 
             Treat these as new operations, but (to avoid
             infinite regress from this rule) reduce the
             level of interest.
      Similarity: search for other functions g which equal f on
             some part of D. Say g maps from E to F.  
             If D is close to ExH for some H, try to find
             when f(e,h) = g(e), for special h⊗6ε⊗*H.
             If E is close to DxH for some H, try to find
             when f(d) = g(d,h), for special h⊗6ε⊗*H.
      Examples: Find some examples of this operation. Try for
             representative, simple, and hard examples.
             Try to find boundary cases, where the function
             just barely applies/ doesn't apply
      Intuit: Try to construct an intuitive representation for f.
      Identify: Initialize a list of ways that f might be referred
             to in the future, both directly and by desire.
   When examining a non-procedural object (set, class, concept)
         Interesting subsets and supersets
         name, interesting properties, distinguishing features; see above
         What can/can't be done to it, why, how to alter this
         Is this the natural dom/range for any operators?
         If so, how do they affect special subsets of this set?
   When examining a semi-procedural problem to prove (theorem, conjecture)
      Worth: what effort should be expended on its pf/disproof
         How can this be assimilated, understood intuitively
         How is this intuitively justified (manipulate intuitions)
         Does this indicate a proof, counterexample, type of proof,...
         Can a def., formal version of this be stated
         Collect the names of the specific, needed but blank parts
         Each such absence lowers int. and raises cost
         If too costly, low int, store pointer to conjec in blank parts 
            The conjec. maintains set of still-blank definite parts, evidence collected
	 Substitute defns for terms in conjecture iff ∃ good methods for defns' terms
         entailment, causality with similar subject matter
         equivalent restatements of this proposition
         What are the most likely counter-examples (and patches)
         Can any of the hypothesis be relaxed? Why not (intuition + formal)
         Can the conclusion be strengthened? Why not? (intui + formal)
         Consider the converse, both intutitively and formally
      If fail: if x is intuitive but still resists proof
         Perhaps x is an axiom, simply to be asserted (if v. useful; ask user)
         Perhaps some different or not-yet-known pf. technique is needed
         Perhaps some diff., unexpected, or not-known knowl. is needed
         Perhaps it is false, and intuition is misleading and should be modified
    When examining a semi-procedural problem to find
      Identify the parts
         given (fixed, known) 
         unknown (goal)
         why this is interesting
         should be difficult yet doable
         usable later (interesting consequences)
      Pull out the relevant facts
         use analogy, patterns, relevant relations
         Find similar tasks (sim. problem, some features in common)
         Can the result be useful
         Can the method be useful
      Unify the intuitive and formal reprs. contributions
         What is the idea/form of the soln? 
         Prob→intuit→soln. with intuitive obj./relns.→definite obj/relns(almost def. soln)
         Should be able to reverse the arrows on the above chain

   Below, α means ⊗4increases with increasing⊗* (proportionality), and
   α↑-↑1 means ⊗4decreases with increasing⊗* (inversely proportional).

   Completeness of an analogy  α  safety of using it for prediction
   Completeness of an analogy  α↑-↑1 how interesting it is
   How expected a relationship is  α↑-↑1  how interesting it is
   How intuitive a conjec/relationship is  α↑-↑1  how interesting it is
   How intuitive a conjec/relationship is  α  how certain/safe it is
   How superficial something is  α  how intuitive it is
   How superficial something is  α  how certain it is
   How superficial something is  α↑-↑1 how interesting it is

   Also included here should be algorithms for applying these rules
   to choosing the best strategies, as a function of the situation.

   Crude estimate of interest level is the interest component of the eval part
   Modify this estimate in close cases using the above relations
   Generally, choose the most specific strategies possible
   If the estimated value of applying one of these falls too low, try a more general one
   Rework the current B. slightly, if that enables a much more specific strategy to be used
   When examining a reln, treat as a problem to prove, (hint: intutiion often helps)
   The basic idea is to choose a part and a B, and fill in that part of that B.
   Choose a part on the basis of int., understanding of the usefulness of that value
   Locate specific concepts which partially instantiate general strategies
   The more specific new strategies are associated with the specific info. used
   Once chosen, use the strategies on the most promising specific information
   If a strat. falters: Collect the names of the specific, needed but blank parts
      Each such absence lowers int. and raises cost, and may cause switch to new strategy
      If too costly, low int, store pointer to partial results in blank parts 
         The partial results maintain set of still-blank needed parts
   Competing goals: On the one hand, desire to maximize certainty,
      safety, complete analogies, advance the level of intuition.
      On the other hand, desire to maximize interestingness, find poss. and poten. interesting ana.
       find unexpected, nonsuperficial, and unintuitive relationships.
   If an entity is used frequently, it should be made efficient.
      Conversely, try to use efficient entities over nearly
      equivalent (w.r.t. given purpose) but inefficient ones.
   If an entity is believed but powerful (unintuitive), its use is
      dangerous but probably very interesting.
   Resolve choices in favor of aesthetic superiority

   Also included here should be specific algorithms for applying these
      rules to choosing the relevant meta-strategies.

   Maximize desired effects
      In this case, prefer hi interest over hi safety in meta↑2strategies
   Minimize costs, conserve resources
      In this case, prefer safety to interest i meta↑2strategies
      Locate the most inefficient, highest-usage entity, and improve or replace it

   There is no "choice" here; all of these are eternal and implicit:
   Maximize net behavior
   Generally prefer the "desired effects" meta↑3strategies
   If time/space become a problem, worry about conservation until this relaxes

Much of this was transferred to the thrid sketch (qv).

⊗5Level 2⊗*


A proposed set of BEING parts follows, for those types not carried over into
the nsext ketch.
Part of the driving force of the system is the urge to ⊗4complete⊗*
each BEING.  


⊗4Possible parts of a META-STRATEGY BEING:⊗*

NAME			identification
(NOT)(QUICK)IDEN	recognize relevance
FAMILY AFFECTED		what family of specific information BEINGs is affected
PARTS AFFECTED		what strategies (parts) are affected
INDIVIDUALS AFFECTED	specific BEINGs in the affected family, listed only by description
ORDERING		if a new Metastrategy BEING is created, what order to fill in parts
IF FAIL			what to do if the strategies report failure
IF SUCCEED		what to do if strategies succeed in filling in desired parts
IF INTERRUPT		when to ignore, when to accept, when unsure: who to ask
VALUE			how costly this is, how well-focussed, how productive
GENERALIZATIONS		what MS BEINGs are similar but slightly more general
SPECIALIZATIONS		what MS B's are more specific cases of the current one
USE			what situations is this most effective in
WHY			justify making this a new separate BEING
IMAGE			analogic interpretations, intution.  Rarely filled in here.
BOUNDARY		what causes the sit. to fluctuate s.t. this B. is/is not relevant

⊗4Possible parts of a META-META-STRATEGY BEING:⊗*

NAME			identification
(NOT)(QUICK)IDEN	recognize relevance
INDIVIDUALS AFFECTED	specific MS BEINGs affected, listed only by description
IF FAIL			what to do if the strategies report failure and MS can't cope
IF SUCCEED		what to do if metastrategies succeed
IF INTERRUPT		when to ignore, when to accept, when unsure: who to ask
VALUE			how costly this is, how well-focussed, how productive
GENERALIZATIONS		what MMS BEINGs are similar but slightly more general
SPECIALIZATIONS		what MMS B's are more specific cases of the current one
USE			what situations is this most effective in
BOUNDARY		what causes the sit. to fluctuate s.t. this B. is/is not relevant


Common knowledge should in some cases be factored out. Possibilities:
(i) always ask a specific BEING, who sometimes queries a more general
one if some knowledge is missing; (ii) always query the most general
BEING relevant, who then asks some specific ones (This sounds bad);
(iii) ask all the BEINGS pseudo-simultaneously, and examine the
responders (this sounds too costly.)

At some level, probably meta↑3strategies and above, a small collection of rules
will be all that is required. One might view this change as gradual, as the
number of BEING parts decreases with the level increasing. By the foorth level,
what is left is truly more of a structured rule than a BEING.
A scheme for organizing the pointer systems for RULES now follows.
Each rule will have several types of pointers, to indicate relevant
rules. One set might be as follows:


ABSOLUTE  The rules pointed to here should definitely be examined.
SUCCESS   If this rule succeeds, then look at these anyway.
FAILURE   If this rule fails, by a little, then look at these. (More descriptive, perhaps).
EXTEND    If a more comprehensive result is desired
CONTRACT  If a more restricted, simpler result is desired.
COST      What is this rule's expense of execution? Its chance of success?
          Point to cheaper rules/functions; point to costlier rules/BEINGS?
INTUITION Point to abstract intuitive rules relevant to this rule.
CONCRETE  Point to less abstract rules which are related to this one.


Notice that the rule parts are simpler, fewer, and more uniform than the set
of BEING parts. A simple pool of unstructured rules might be all that is needed
(situation action productions).


⊗5Standard Math Notation⊗*


	IF ... THEN ...

	NO ... IN


	<silent imperative>


	+,-,x for sets


⊗5Fixed Formats for Quasi-English Meta-Comments, Questions, Hints⊗*




	forms of TO BE


⊗5Fixed Languages for Intuitive Communication⊗*

These have not yet been examined at this level of detail.


⊗5Example 1: Contemplation; forming links, intuitive conjectures⊗*


Following is the protocol of the first attempt to exercise the given
knowledge.  The system was to be starting for the first time, at the
most removed level of strategies (meta-meta-meta-meta strategies being

Meta-meta-meta strategy: To maximize desired effects (since there are
     no costs at present)

Meta-meta strategy: To find potential analogies and maximize interest
     (in view of the meta-meta-meta strategy chosen)

Meta strategy: To find new, incomplete analogies (since they are more

Strategy: Find analogies (general strategies are considered, for lack of
     something in particular to concentrate on, and this one is chosen
     because the rest are currently inapplicable)

     (1) How to select candidate objects for the analogy: prefer intuition
         in general; try for one with many completed parts;  select a
	 relation  (relations are more complex and interesting)

     (2) Identify the parts of the object (i.e. Relations)
         intuition: view as the set of all arrows from elements of one set to
                    elements of another

     (3) Try to fill out additional parts of the Relations being, namely Examples:
              (i) Quick: specific relations and functions: ⊗6ε⊗* ∪ ∩ = ⊂ - ' ∧ ⊗6∨⊗* ¬

              (ii) Consider intuition part, make it concrete
                        (a) consider 0 as one set.  Consider the intuition of
                            a relation (set of arrows between two sets' elements).
			    There can't be any arrows to or from 0.  So the only
                            relation to or from 0 is the 0 relation.

This conjecture has a relatively high interest, so the current state of activity
is suspended and new goals are chosen:

Meta strategy: Examine an unexpected (hence interesting) conjecture (i.e. look
     under "When examining a semi-procedural problem to prove")

Strategy: Problem to prove

     Intuitive justification: {...}---------→ {}.      {} --------→{...}
     There is no place for the arrow to point or stem from in order to form
     a relation one of whose arguments is 0. No arrow head or tail can be tied
     to an element of 0, because there are no elements in 0.

     Definiteness: There is currently no definite part of the Relations being
     filled in.  Hence interest drops, cost rises, this activity (proving the
     conjecture) is stored (in the definition part of the Relation being).

Meta strategy: Restored to: Find analogies

Strategy: Restored to

     (3) Filling out Example part of the Relation being

              (b) Simple examples: plug in singletons as the two sets being
                  related.  Experiment reveals two relations between them:
                  0 and elt1 --------→ elt2.

Here another conjecture is made, as above, that between two singleton sets
there are exactly two relations.  The intuitive justification is found, but as
before, there are no definitions available now, so proof activity cannot
procede.  The original state is again restored.

              (c) Harder example: a singleton is related to a pair set.  Many
                  possible relations are found.

              (d) Pair to Singleton relation.  As many relations as singleton
                  to pair.

              (e) Pair to Pair relation considered.  More relations found than
                  between singleton and pair.

              (f) Sophisticated examples: none known

              (g) Boundary examples: none known

              (h) Typical examples: generate a few random sets A, B, C...compute
    		  all relations from each to each.  One set is big, and after a
                  while system demon tags FIND-ALL-RELATIONS as a combinatorially
                  explosive operation.

A conjecture is made that there is a 1:1 correspondence between the relations
between X and Y and those between Y and X.  Interrupt to a new strategy:

Strategy: Find all known relations among newly generated specific entities.
          Conjecture to Prove.

     Intuitive justification: reverse the arrows between the two sets.  Support
          comes from the conjectures about 0 and singletons.
                      continues in this way

Eventually, there are enough conjectures on Relation's definition part, so that
the prevailing goals are interrupted again to become:

Meta strategy: Propose to fill in the definition part of relation
     (not trivial at this point...)

Strategy: Fill in this part using intuition to get algorithm for FIND-ALL-RELATIONS
     Algorithm: sets → intuitive representations → all arrows drawn → all relations

⊗5Example 2: Discovering and developing a family of analogies⊗*

Meta-meta strategy: to maximize interest

Meta strategy: Partially complete a very incomplete analogy:  System is given
     that ∪ (union) and ⊗6∨⊗* (disjunction) are related in some way.

Strategy: Refine existing analogy

     (1) Fill out parts of OR being
              (a) already has intuition: sticks of length 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 represents
                  the arguments of OR.  Always choose the bigger stick, to
                  evaluate OR of two arguments.

              (b) (already has Results and Domain/Range parts)

              (c) fill in Examples part
                  Work with extreme simplest stick lengths, 0 and 1 = s0 and s1
                  Experiment gives rise to these conjectures:
                       s0 ⊗6∨⊗* s0 = s0
                       s1 ⊗6∨⊗* s1 = s1
	               s1 ⊗6∨⊗* s0 = s1
                       s0 ⊗6∨⊗* s1 = s1
                  Then choose a more representative pair of stick lengths A, B
                  with A > B:
                       A ⊗6∨⊗* A = A
                       A ⊗6∨⊗* B = A
                       B ⊗6∨⊗* A = A
                       B ⊗6∨⊗* B = B

              (d) Calculation part: already knows: for two statements, find the
                  two sticks that intuitively represent them, hold them up to
                  each other, pick the bigger one, return the corresponding

     (2) Fill in parts of UNION being

     (3) note:
         F ⊗6∨⊗* X = X
         F ⊗6∨⊗* F = F
         F ⊗6∨⊗* X = X ⊗6∨⊗* F
         T ⊗6∨⊗* X = T
         T ⊗6∨⊗* T = T
         T ⊗6∨⊗* X = X ⊗6∨⊗* T

     (4) Possible analogous parts: ⊗6∨⊗* to ∪ implies F corresponds to 0, T to Universe
                                   ⊗6∨⊗* to ∩ implies F corresponds to Universe, T to 0
     				   ∧ to ∪ implies F corresponds to Universe, T tp 0
   				   ∧ to ∩ implies F corresponds to 0, T to Universe

     (5) whole network of analogies can be respesented schematically as:


		∨ ααααααααααααααα→ ⊗6∪⊗*
		↑ 		   ↑
		~		   ~
		~		   ~
		~		   ~
		↓		   ↓
	        ∧ ααααααααααααααα→ ⊗6∩⊗*

	  The horizontal lines are the relation α, connecting logic and set theory.
	  The diagonal lines (not drawn) are β, connecting the 2 domains in a diff. way.
	  The left vertical line is the relationship of being in the domain of logic.
	  The right vertical line menas "in the domain of set theory".

	 So, (i) α, β are very interesting analogies
             (ii) there exist other analogies: αβ↑-↑1 is a relation in Logic
		  analogous to the relation βα↑-↑1, also in Logic, etc.
             (iii) consider extending α and β to other objects from Set theory
		  and Logic. Is αβ↑-↑1 always equal to βα↑-↑1 ?

⊗5Example 3: Formally Investigating an intuitively believed conjecture⊗*

Note: It is difficult to find hard proofs at this low level.

(1) Conjecture: The only relation from 0 to any set X is 0.

Strategy: Conjecture to prove

     Intuitive Justification: Cannot seem to find any place for the arrow to
     come from (i.e. can't draw arrow because can't choose an element from
     the domain because there aren't any)

     Definite: A relation between A and B is a subset of A X B.
               A X B is the set of all ordered pairs <a,b> such that a ⊗6ε⊗* A and b ⊗6ε⊗* B
               An ordered pair <a,b> is the set {{a},{a,b}}.

Strategy: To prove Any α is β, consider any α, show it's β.

     Consider any relation R: 0 → X.  Show it is 0.
     Show all subsets of 0 X X are 0.
     Intuition: All subsets of a set are empty iff the set is empty. (Becomes a

     Must show 0 X X = 0 for all X.
     This is intuitive.  (Becomes a lemma.) Done.

Strategy: To prove p iff q, prove p implies q and q implies p.  To prove
     p implies q, assume p and the negation of q, and derive a contradiction.

     Now must prove two lemmas, by contradiction:
     (1) Say X is not empty but all its subsets are.  If X is not empty,
         there is some x ⊗6ε⊗* X.  If x ⊗6ε⊗* X then {x} ⊂ X. Contradiction.
         Say X is empty but is has a non-empty subset Y.  If Y is non-
         empty, there is some y ⊗6ε⊗* Y.  By definition, y ⊗6ε⊗* X.  Contradiction.

     (2) 0 X X is the set of all ordered pairs (a, b) such that a ⊗6ε⊗* 0 and
         b ⊗6ε⊗* X. Suppose 0 X X is non-empty.  Then there is such an ordered
         pair.  Then there is an a such that a ⊗6ε⊗* 0.  Contradiction.
Popping up, we discover that (1) is now proved.

Try to prove the converse of (1).
	Analogy with last proof (this will actually work) OR
	Establish the easy results in the following sequence:
		if R relates A to B, then R↑-↑1 relates B to A
		if R is the empty relation, then so is R↑-↑1
		if R relates any set X to 0, then R↑-↑1 relates 0 to X
			but by the last theorem, R↑-↑1 must be the empty relation.
		So R must be the empty relation. So the converse is proved.